Lifestyle & Diet
Our lifestyle and dietary circumstances are incredibly important to our health as these are the ways in which your body is being treated on a daily basis. For instance, sitting at a desk and computer with poor posture and typing non-stop for hours at a time will no doubt lead to tension, perhaps pain and even more serious problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome or frozen shoulder.
However, having proper breaks, undertaking proper exercise and setting up a well designed workstation can offset these potential problems. Similarly, having a poor diet can eventually lead to nutritional deficiencies, weight gain and lethargy. Food choice may also exacerbate or decrease symptoms of disease.
Early in life, the body is stronger in terms of physical strength and digestive strength; therefore, strains and injuries are tolerated that may not be noticed as being a problem until much later in life. It is very important to know your individual strengths and weaknesses and make lifestyle and dietary decisions based on this information.
Chinese medicine goes one step further and recognises the influence of the seasons and natural phenomena, such as heat, wind and cold, which each affect the body in different ways.
Depending on your own constitution, you may be better off working in certain professions, avoiding certain climates or eating specific foods. Knowing what is right for you and understanding what is bad for you is imperative to good health on the emotional, mental and physical levels.
Sometimes some simple changes that become daily habits are all it takes to improve your health.
Learning simple exercises, altering foods eaten and using self-administered acupressure are easy ways in which your health can be influenced in a positive way on a daily basis.

Dr Ben Heathcote is a practitioner of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Currently practicing as an acupuncturist in Melbourne's bayside town of Ormond.
If you are ready to find an answer for your health complaint take the first step by making a simple enquiry or make a booking. Acupuncture is suitable for people of all ages and acupuncture during pregnancy is commonplace in the clinic as is acupuncture for back pain and acupuncture for IVF support.
We believe a holistic approach can be of benefit to anyone
afflicted by injury, disease or poor health.
Ben Heathcote currently practices out of rooms at True Health, one of Melbourne's best complimentary health service providers, in the Bayside suburb of Ormond just 15 minutes from Melbourne.
Only see a fully qualified acupuncturist that is registered with the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia as part of the Australian health regulatory body AHPRA; and a who is also a member of the Chinese medicine practitioner association AACMA.